Submission Guidelines for Research Articles

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Economic Insight must not be under consideration at another journal.  All manuscripts must constitute original work and should reference similar work that has been done on the subject.  Manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words (including tables and figures).  Submission fee payments are due at the time of submission. 

Submission Fees

Submission of manuscripts that were presented at an annual meeting of the Missouri Valley Economic Association have a $25 submission fee.  All other manuscripts have a $50 submission fee.  The submission fee can be paid electronically using the link below.  A PayPal account is not required in order to pay the submission fees electronically.

Payment of submission fee via PayPal

Authors who wish to pay the submission fee via check can mail a check, payable to the Missouri Valley Economic Association, to the editor at the address below.   Authors paying the submission fee by check should let indicate this to the editor when submitting a manuscript.

Christopher Douglas, Department of Economics,
University of Michigan-Flint,
303 E. Kearsley St., 220 French Hall
Flint, MI  48502-1950  

Instructions for Submission

Papers should be submitted electronically via email to or by creating an account on the Journal's website.  Initial submissions should be in .pdf format. Final submissions must be in MS Word. Authors may instead submit three paper copies of the manuscript (along with submission fee) to the address above. 

Include author names and affiliations on the first page of the submission, indicating the corresponding author. 

Submission Format

The Journal of Economic Insight follows the Chicago Manual of Style.  The basic guidelines for initial review include:

  1. Manuscripts should be double-spaced.
  2. Manuscripts should be typeset in 12-point Times New Roman (or similar) font with at least 1 inch margins.
  3. All pages should be serially numbered.
  4. Section headings should be given in Roman numerals, beginning with section “I. Introduction.”  Subsections should be lettered “A,” “B,” etc.
  5. Equations should be typed on separate lines and numbered consecutively at the right-hand side margin using Arabic numerals in parentheses.
  6. The title page should contain the author(s)' name and contact information, but identifying information should not appear elsewhere in the manuscript. The title page should contain relevant JEL codes and 3-5 keywords separated by semi-colons. 

Authors must follow all the submission guidelines for submitting a final manuscript for publication. This include the previous guidelines as well as:

Title Page

The title page should include each author’s name, affiliation, contact information, and acknowledgements. 


Provide an abstract of no more than 150 words.  

Tables and Figures

  1. For accepted articles, each Table and Figure should be placed in the text where it is referred to. Each Table and Figure should bear an Arabic number.
  2. Tables must fit within a page consisting of 3.5 inch side margins and 3.5 inch top and bottom margins with 10-point font for final typsetting. Tables can be in landscape or portrait orientation. Tables that cannot fit within these margins must be broken into seperate tables. 


  1. Use the Chicago Manual of Style “Author-Date” system for in-text citations and the reference list. The Chicago Manual of Style is available here.
  2. For in-text citations list all authors up to two; use et al. for three or more authors – e.g., (Johnson and Smith 2005), (Johnson et al. 2009). 
  3. Use “p.” or “pp.” to denote page numbers for quotations – e.g., (Johnson and Smith 2005, p. 15).
  4. Arrange the reference list in alphabetical order according to surname of the first author or name of institution responsible for the citation. List authors for each citation, even when the previous citation has the same author(s).
  5. Multiple works by the same author should be listed in chronological order of publication. Two or more works by the same author in the same year are distinguished by letters after the date.


Footnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript with superscript Arabic numerals. 

If you have any questions contact the editorial office.